How to upload a collection to IPFS?
How to Upload Your Assets and Metadata to IPFS Follow this easy 4-step guide to upload your images and metadata to IPFS using Filebase, and link them correctly for your NFT project. At this end of this guide, you will have one CID for your assets (images) and one CID for your metadata. Step 1: Upload Your Assets Folder Make sure you already have generated a collection using our generated and extract all the files from the zip youPopularHow much does it cost to deploy a smart contract?
To deploy a smart contract using onemint you will only need to pay gas fees. Onemint does not charge to create a smart-contract.PopularHow long does it take for my NFT to appear on Opensea?
There are two ways to import a collection to Opensea: by creating a smart contract or by manually uploading your images. When you deploy a smart contract, Opensea will automatically import the collection after the first NFT has been minted. As more NFTs are minted, they will gradually appear on Opensea. If you see your NFT on Opensea but the image or name is not displayed, you may need to refresh the metadata. To do this, follow the instructions in this article: How to refresh the metadata onPopularWhich blockchains do you support?
We currently offer support for the following blockchains: Ethereum: Standard NFT Contract, Dynamic NFTs and Staking Polygon:Standard NFT Contract, Dynamic NFTs and Staking Avalanche: Standard NFT Contract Fantom: Standard NFT Contract Binance Smart Chain: Standard NFT Contract Solana: Standard NFT Contract Multiverse X (Elrond): Standard NFT Contract Q Chain: Standard NFT ContractPopularHow to verify a smart contract?
First go to contract and click "verify": When verifying a smart contract on Etherscan or Polygonscan, those are the options you need to specify: On the next page we set optimisation to "yes" ( do I upload my collection to opensea?
Marketplaces such as Opensea are like Ebay, they are a platform for people to resale their NFTs. The majority of NFT collections first do what is called an "initial sale". An initial sale happens from the collection website where people can buy one or many NFTs, also called minting. Once an NFT is minted, it will automatically appear on marketplaces like Opensea where you can choose to resale your NFTs. In order to do an initial sale, you have to first deploy a smart contract. A smart contrSome readersWhat kind of smart contracts do you have?
Currently our contract uses ERC721a standard and it has all the feautures that we previously had spread between 4 different contract types. This features are: Lazy Mint, Whitelist and Reveal later, in addition to this, we now provide a built in Minting Referral System.Some readersHow to setup a whitelist for your presale?
Step 1 - Deploy your smart contract Setting the whitelist is only available after the contract is deployed Step 2 - List of addresses Prepare your entire list of addresses in a txt file and make sure that you have one address per line and nothing else. Paste the list of address in the "Whitelist" text field and click "Apply". Step 2 - SDK (optional) Once the transaction is successful, return to the "Embed mint buSome readersWhat is gas?
GAS is the cost to perform a transaction on a blockchain network. Gas price is set by miners based on the supply and demand of computational power to process smart contracts and other transactions. EVERY transaction needs to be verified so every transaction will cost gas, contract deployment, minting, buying, selling... Gas fees are measured in GWEI, which denotes a “giga-wei.” One gwei is 0.000000001 ETH. When submitting an order for a transaction, users must indicate a "GAS LIMITFew readersHow do I set the placeholder image?
A placeholder image can only be set after you deploy a smart contract. You will see an option to upload an image from the Smart Contract management page. When you upload your image and save the changes, you need to wait 5-10 minutes until metamask pops up to allow the transaction. While you wait for metamask to pop up, new metadata is being created for the hidden image.Few readersHow to deploy a smart contract?
Step 1: After generating your NFT collection, access your dashboard, go to the "smart contracts" tab on your project and click "new smart contract" Step 2: Select the collection you have just generated and the blockchain you will be deploying the contract on. In this case its Polygon testnet Step 3: Fill out tFew readersActivate proxy features on a contract
After verifying a contract you need to click on "more options": This will pop up to verify the proxy contract After clicking verify you need to save the changes: After saviFew readersContract Management Walkthrough
Here is a walkthrough on what you can on each tab of the Contract Management Page tabs: Mint Settings Whitelist Settings Airdrop Settings Withdraw Settings ( readersWhat is a smart contract?
A smart contract is a program that is stored in the blockchain to facilitate transactions once two ( or more ) conditions are met. In the case of NFTs, the smart contract proves that your wallet (the creator) has the NFTs full ownership and the buyers wallet has the funds to buy that particular NFT and only once this two conditions are made the NFT will be transferred from the creators wallet to the buyers wallet. The smart contract follows simple rules such as "if/when...then..." so for exampFew readersHow to import a Solana collection to Opensea?
For importing a Solana collection to Opensea you are required to have your collection verified. Opensea created a guide on how to verify your collection here. You can also follow this walkthrough using the Metaplex collection importer (https://collections.metaplexFew readersHow to set up crossmint
Step 1- Set up your crossmint account and finish their KYC process in order to activate your account and get your "Collection Client ID" Crossmint Step 2- Deploy your smart contract using Onemint and config Crossmint on the "Mint" tab on the smart contract management page. Copy the ABI mint functions to your crossmint dashboard to obtaion your "Collection ID" ( readersSupported Blockchain Networks
We currently support those networks to deploy your smart contract: Ethereum Polygon Base Solana Eclipse ApeChain Binance Turbo Abstract Berachain If you need another network, please contact us.Few readersHow to create a marketplace on Onemint´s Marketplace?
To create a collection page on Onemint´s Marketplace you need to go to the marketplace tab on your smart contract management screen: After you click "create" all you need to do is input some basic information about your collection, as well as the the collection page url After you have added that info you will create your maFew readersDoes Onemint has have any fees?
Smart-Contracts: We charge the contract owner 0% fee on the primary sale. Minters pay a fee of 0.00069 ETH (or 0.01 SOL) per mint on top of the NFT mint price. Airdrops For airdrops we charge the same fee as the minter fee. The fee is paid by the wallet initiating the airdrop. NFT Collection The fees above do not include the cost of generation the NFT collection (assets and metadata). Refer to our pricing page for NFT Generation cost.Few readers