How to set up crossmint
Step 1- Set up your crossmint account and finish their KYC process in order to activate your account and get your "Collection Client ID"
Step 2- Deploy your smart contract using Onemint and config Crossmint on the "Mint" tab on the smart contract management page.
Copy the ABI mint functions to your crossmint dashboard to obtaion your "Collection ID"

Copy and paste your "Collection ID" to activate the Credit Card mint button and click "submit"

Once you have submitted the changes you will just have to config your Mint Page and the Crossmint Mint Button will be available for all of your customers to use

Step 2- Deploy your smart contract using Onemint and config Crossmint on the "Mint" tab on the smart contract management page.
Copy the ABI mint functions to your crossmint dashboard to obtaion your "Collection ID"

Copy and paste your "Collection ID" to activate the Credit Card mint button and click "submit"

Once you have submitted the changes you will just have to config your Mint Page and the Crossmint Mint Button will be available for all of your customers to use

Updated on: 31/01/2023
Thank you!